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Downtown Investment Authority

The Downtown Investment Authority seeks to attract investment, facilitate job creation and increase residential density through capital investment, planning, marketing, and public-private partnerships including the provision of incentives.

Featured News

Here's how the Downtown Investment Authority turns renderings into reality for Jacksonville

October 03, 2024
By Patrick Krechowski
Guest columnist & DIA Board Chair

People who live and work downtown often want to know why things aren’t better. Why aren’t there more restaurants, shops, services and places to gather along our beautiful St. Johns River? Visitors to Jacksonville from out of town and other states (particularly successful, sophisticated developers) often ask why Jacksonville hasn’t tapped into what they see as obvious opportunity and potential.  

The reality is that downtown Jacksonville does have more to offer, with more on the way. VyStar’s new campus, Vista Brooklyn on Riverside Avenue, Hardwick’s on Adams Street and the amazingly revamped Friendship Fountain on the Southbank are just a few recently completely downtown projects. Each of these also happen to be finalists for Urban Land Institute North Florida’s Awards for Excellence

The list of downtown projects currently under construction, permitting or planning is inspiring. Riverfront Plaza is being built while millions have been secured for its sister riverfront parks. In 2024 alone, eight new restaurants have been approved through our food and beverage retail enhancement program.  

Here's how the Downtown Investment Authority turns renderings into reality for Jacksonville

Council grants final approval to incentives for first phase of Gateway Jax development

August 20, 2024
The $98.58 million package will fuel the Downtown project’s $419 million Pearl Street District.Council grants final approval to incentives for first phase of Gateway Jax development

Upcoming Meetings


20250116_DIA Retail Enhancement and Property Disposition Committee Meeting_CANCELLED

January 16, 2025
January 9th, 2025
10:00 A.M.

January 16th, 2025, at 10:00 A.M.

Notice is hereby given that the City of Jacksonville Downtown Investment Authority (DIA) is hereby CANCELLING the Retail Enhancement and Property Disposition Committee meeting previously scheduled for 10:00 A.M. Thursday, January 16th, 2025.

Please contact Ava Hill by telephone at (904) 255-5302 or by email at if you have any questions regarding this notice.



January 9th, 2025
9:15 A.M.

January 16th, 2025, at 10:00 A.M.

Notice is hereby given that the City of Jacksonville Downtown Investment Authority (DIA) Retail Enhancement and Property Disposition (REPD) Committee will meet on Thursday, January 16th, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. via Hybrid Virtual/In-Person meeting. The meeting noticed herein can be accessed virtually through the Zoom.US computer application or in-person at City Hall, Lynwood Roberts Room. The purpose of this meeting is for the DIA Committee to consider and take action on items on the REPD agenda.

City Hall at St. James
117 West Duval Street
1st Floor, Lynwood Roberts Room
Jacksonville, Florida 32202

Interested persons desiring to attend this meeting virtually can do so via Zoom (including by computer or telephone) using the following meeting access information:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 814 4731 3912
Passcode: 679409

One tap mobile
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

International numbers available:

Only individuals attending the meeting will have an opportunity to provide public comments. Persons who cannot attend the meeting in-person, but who wish to submit public comments regarding any matter on the agenda for consideration at the meeting, may do so by sending their public comments via electronic mail to prior to the start of the meeting.  Public comments received prior to the meeting will not be read during the meeting but will instead be forwarded to all DIA Board members for review in advance of the meeting and will remain a part of the permanent record for the meeting itself.  You are encouraged to submit public comments well in advance of the start of the meeting to provide DIA Board members with adequate time to read them in preparation for the meeting.

Please contact Ava Hill by telephone at (904) 255-5302 or by email at if you have any questions regarding this notice or if you experience technical difficulties during the meeting.

If you have a disability that requires accommodations to participate in the above Downtown Investment Authority meeting, please contact the Disabled Services Division at: (904) 255-5466, TTY-(904) 255-5476, or email your request to and we will provide reasonable assistance for you.  The Florida Relay Service can be reached at 711. All requests must be received no later than 12:00 p.m. on January 15th, 2025. Requests for accommodations received after 12:00 p.m. on January 15th, 2025, may not be met.

NOTE:  If any person decides to appeal any decision made with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, such person will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.

A recording of this meeting will be available upon request by emailing after its conclusion. 

1. If you have already registered for the Zoom application on your computer, enter the link below in the address line for Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge Internet Browser.
Link to Meeting via Zoom by Computer:

Meeting ID: 814 4731 3912
Passcode: 679409

Public Comment
Verbal public comment is only available to in-person meeting attendees and not available to those attending virtually.  However, written public comment may be submitted prior to the start of the meeting pursuant to the instructions above.

2. If you have not already registered for the Zoom application on your computer and wish to access the meeting, follow these instructions:

Sign up for the Zoom application by typing – Zoom.US – into Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge Internet Browser. 
Go to:  JOIN A MEETING on Dashboard.

Enter the Zoom meeting ID and meeting password listed below:

Meeting ID: 814 4731 3912

Passcode: 679409

Public Comment
Verbal public comment is only available to in-person meeting attendees and not available to those attending virtually.  However, written public comment may be submitted prior to the start of the meeting pursuant to the instructions above.


Dial: +1 (646) 558-8656.  International numbers available:

Enter the Zoom meeting ID and meeting password listed below:

Meeting ID: 814 4731 3912

Passcode: 679409

If you join before the meeting has started, you will be prompted to press # to wait.

If you call using your mobile telephone or device, you will be prompted to enter a unique participant ID. Press # to skip.

Public Comment
Verbal public comment is only available to in-person meeting attendees and not available to those attending virtually.  However, written public comment may be submitted prior to the start of the meeting pursuant to the instructions above.

Melinda B. Powers, Esq., Committee Chair
Downtown Investment Authority

20250116_DDRB Meeting

January 16, 2025 2:00 PM
City Hall at St. James
117 West Duval Street
1st Floor, Lynwood Roberts Room
Jacksonville, Florida 32202

Webinar ID: 874 8296 1725
Passcode: 522318
  2:00 PM
January 7th, 2025
(3:00 P.M.)

January 16th, 2025, at 2:00 PM

Notice is hereby given that the City of Jacksonville Downtown Development Review Board (DDRB) will meet on Thursday, January 16th, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. via Hybrid Virtual/In-Person meeting. The meeting noticed herein can be accessed virtually through the Zoom.US computer application or in-person at City Hall, Lynwood Roberts Room. The purpose of this meeting is for the DDRB to consider and take action on the items shown on the DDRB agenda.
City Hall at St. James
117 West Duval Street
1st Floor, Lynwood Roberts Room
Jacksonville, Florida 32202

Interested persons desiring to attend this meeting virtually can do so via Zoom (including by computer or telephone) using the following meeting access information:

Join Zoom Meeting

Webinar ID: 874 8296 1725
Passcode: 522318

One tap mobile
+1 (305) 224-1968  US
+1 (301) 715-8592  US (Washington DC)

International numbers available:

Individuals attending the Hybrid meeting in-person or virtually will have an opportunity to provide public comments. Persons who cannot attend the hybrid meeting in-person or virtually, but who wish to submit public comments regarding any matter on the agenda for consideration at the meeting, may do so by sending their public comments via electronic mail to prior to the start of the meeting.  Public comments received prior to the meeting will not be read during the meeting but will instead be forwarded to all DDRB Board members for review in advance of the meeting and will remain a part of the permanent record for the meeting itself.  You are encouraged to submit public comments well in advance of the start of the meeting to provide DDRB members with adequate time to read them in preparation for the meeting.

Please contact Ava Hill by telephone at (904) 255-5302 or by email if you have any questions regarding this notice or if you experience technical difficulties during the meeting.

If you have a disability that requires accommodations to participate in the above meeting, please contact the Disabled Services Division at: (904) 255-5466, TTY-(904) 255-5476, or email your request to and we will provide reasonable assistance for you.  The Florida Relay Service can be reached at 711.  All requests must be received no later than 12:00 p.m. on January 15th, 2025; requests for accommodation received after this time may not be met.

NOTE:  If any person decides to appeal any decision made with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, such person will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.

A recording of this meeting will be available upon request by emailing after its conclusion. 

1. If you have already registered for the Zoom application on your computer, enter the link below in the address line for Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge Internet Browser.
Link to Webinar via Zoom by Computer:

Webinar ID: 874 8296 1725
Passcode: 522318

Public Comment
** At the beginning of public comment, the Chair of the DDRB will establish a time period for each speaker that is no more than 3 minutes per speaker.

All participants who wish to participate in public comment during the meeting must log into Zoom with their full name. 

The Chair will only call on speakers using the “RAISE HAND” feature located within the Zoom app.  Click on “Participants” button at the bottom of the screen and then scroll down and click on “Raise Hand.”  You must have a microphone, video camera, and speakers on your computer to participate with the “RAISE HAND” function.

Wait to be recognized for your public comment time by the Chair.

Please unmute yourself and begin speaking after the Chair has recognized your turn during public comment.

2. To access the meeting on Zoom through your computer if you have not registered for Zoom, follow these instructions:

Sign up for the Zoom application by typing – Zoom.US – into Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge Internet Browser. 
Go to:  JOIN A MEETING on Dashboard.
Enter the Zoom meeting ID and meeting password listed below:

Webinar ID: 874 8296 1725
Passcode: 522318

Public Comment
** At the beginning of public comment, the Chair of the DDRB will establish a time period for each speaker that is no more than 3 minutes per speaker.

All participants who wish to participate in public comment during the meeting must log into Zoom with his/her full name. 

The Chair will only call on speakers using the “RAISE HAND” feature located within the Zoom app.  Click on “Participants” button at the bottom of the screen and then scroll down and click on “Raise Hand.”  You must have a microphone, video camera, and speakers on your computer to participate with the “RAISE HAND” function.

Wait to be recognized for your public comment time by the Chair.

Please unmute yourself and begin speaking after the Chair has recognized your turn during public comment.

Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
    +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
    +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
    +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

International numbers available:

Enter the Zoom meeting ID and meeting password listed below:

Webinar ID: 874 8296 1725

Passcode: 522318

If you join before the meeting has started, you will be prompted to press # to wait.

If you call using your mobile telephone or device, you will be prompted to enter a unique participant ID. Press # to skip.

Public Comment

** At the beginning of public comment, the Chair of the DDRB will establish a time period for each speaker that is no more than 3 minutes per speaker.

Enter *6 on the keypad of your telephone to unmute yourself when speaking and *6 to mute yourself when not speaking.

The Chair will only call on speakers using the “RAISE HAND” feature located within Zoom.  Enter *9 on the keypad of your telephone to activate the “Raise Hand” feature.  Your phone must have a microphone and speakers to participate with the “RAISE HAND” function.

Wait to be recognized for your public comment time by the Chair.

Please unmute (enter *6 on the keypad of your telephone) yourself and begin speaking after the Chair has recognized your turn during public comment. Enter *6 on the keypad of your telephone to mute yourself once you have completed your turn during public comment.

Linzee Ott, Chairperson
Downtown Development Review Board

20250122_DIA Board Meeting

January 22, 2025 2:00 PM
Jacksonville Public Library-Main Library/Downtown
303 North Laura Street
Multipurpose Room (located in the Conference Center)
Jacksonville, Florida 32202

Webinar ID: 879 9078 9951
Passcode: 062932 2:00 PM
January 15th, 2025
1:00 P.M.

January 22nd, 2025, at 2:00 P.M.

Notice is hereby given that the City of Jacksonville Downtown Investment Authority (DIA) will meet on Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. via Hybrid Virtual/In-Person meeting. The meeting noticed herein can be accessed virtually through the Zoom.US computer application or in-person at the Jacksonville Public Library-Main Library Downtown. The purpose of this meeting is for the DIA Board to consider and take action on items on the DIA agenda.

Jacksonville Public Library-Main Library/Downtown
303 North Laura Street
Multipurpose Room (located in the Conference Center)
Jacksonville, Florida 32202

PLEASE NOTE: The multipurpose room will not be accessible through the Main Street entrance. The Main Street entrance will be closed. Please use the Laura Street entrance to enter the building.

Directions to Multipurpose Room: Upon entering Laura Street entrance to the library, proceed into the Main Library.  Walk counterclockwise around the grand staircase and you will see signs for the public elevators.  Take the elevator down to level C for Conference Level.  Exit the elevator and follow hallway out.  Turn left out of the hallway and proceed through glass doors into Conference Center.  The Multipurpose Room is the first room on the left.

Interested persons desiring to attend this meeting virtually can do so via Zoom (including by computer or telephone) using the following meeting access information:

Join Zoom Webinar

Webinar ID: 879 9078 9951
Passcode: 062932

One tap mobile
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

International numbers available:
Only individuals attending the meeting in-person will have an opportunity to provide public comments. Persons who cannot attend the meeting in-person, but who wish to submit public comments regarding any matter on the agenda for consideration at the meeting, may do so by sending their public comments via electronic mail to prior to the start of the meeting.  Public comments received prior to the meeting will not be read during the meeting but will instead be forwarded to all DIA Board members for review in advance of the meeting and will remain a part of the permanent record for the meeting itself.  You are encouraged to submit public comments well in advance of the start of the meeting to provide DIA Board members with adequate time to read them in preparation for the meeting.

Please contact Ava Hill by telephone at (904) 255-5302 or by email at if you have any questions regarding this notice or if you experience technical difficulties during the meeting.

If you have a disability that requires accommodations to participate in the above Downtown Investment Authority meeting, please contact the Disabled Services Division at: (904) 255-5466, TTY-(904) 255-5476, or email your request to and we will provide reasonable assistance for you.  The Florida Relay Service can be reached at 711.  All requests must be received no later than 12:00 p.m. on January 21st, 2025.  Requests for accommodations received after 12:00 p.m. on January 21st may not be met.

NOTE:  If any person decides to appeal any decision made with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, such person will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.

A recording of this meeting will be available upon request by emailing after its conclusion. 
1. If you have already registered for the Zoom application on your computer, enter the link below in the address line for Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge Internet Browser.

Link to Webinar via Zoom by Computer:

Webinar ID: 879 9078 9951
Passcode: 062932

Public Comment
Verbal public comment is only available to in-person meeting attendees and not available to those attending virtually.  However, written public comment may be submitted prior to the start of the meeting pursuant to the instructions above.

2. If you have not already registered for the Zoom application on your computer and wish to access the meeting, follow these instructions:

Sign up for the Zoom application by typing – Zoom.US – into Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge Internet Browser. 
Go to:  JOIN A MEETING on Dashboard.

Enter the Zoom Webinar ID and meeting password listed below:

Webinar ID: 879 9078 9951

Passcode: 062932

Public Comment
Verbal public comment is only available to in-person meeting attendees and not available to those attending virtually.  However, written public comment may be submitted prior to the start of the meeting pursuant to the instructions above.


Dial: +1 (646) 558-8656.  International numbers available:

Enter the Zoom Webinar ID and meeting password listed below:

Webinar ID: 879 9078 9951

Passcode: 062932

If you join before the meeting has started, you will be prompted to press # to wait.

If you call using your mobile telephone or device, you will be prompted to enter a unique participant ID. Press # to skip.

Public Comment
Verbal public comment is only available to in-person meeting attendees and not available to those attending virtually.  However, written public comment may be submitted prior to the start of the meeting pursuant to the instructions above.

Patrick Krechowski, Board Chair
Downtown Investment Authority

20250213_DDRB Meeting

February 13, 2025 2:00 PM
2:00 PM

20250219_DIA Board Meeting

February 19, 2025 2:00 PM
2:00 PM

Latest News

Snyder Memorial Church to open for Art Walk, potential developers

October 01, 2024
Snyder Memorial Episcopal Church was built in 1903 after the Great Fire of 1901 destroyed the church that sat there before. It hosts a rich history from parishioners caring for sick soldiers during a typhoid outbreak to serving as a refuge for civil rights activists during Ax Handle Saturday. But the city-owned church has been closed to the public for a decade, and that’s about to change.

The property will eventually be put on the market through the DIA's disposition process, but while staff works on potential parameters for disposition, DIA CEO Lori Boyer said this is a way to activate Laura Street and allow people to enter the building.

Snyder Memorial Episcopal Church 

Mayor Deegan’s 2024 Budget Address

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Jacksonville Mayor Donna Deegan presented the Jacksonville City Council with the Administration's annual proposed budget and address, which included an emphasis on development and infrastructure.

$98.58 million incentives deal for Gateway Jax to be Introduced at City Council

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$98.58 million incentives deal for Gateway Jax to be Introduced at City Council

Our Partners

Visit BUD to schedule a Development Tour for a look behind the scenes of the burgeoning development in Downtown.
Learn more about Jacksonville's Park system, the largest in North America with more than 400 public recreational spaces. Plan your visit or make a private reservation.
Explore all that Metro JAX has to offer, including entertainment venues, parks, restaurants, concerts, games, arts events, and more.
Become a member for access to programs and events designed to help cultivate valuable business relationships across Northeast Florida.
Check out the latest Downtown data at Downtown Vision, Inc. (DVI) or notify the Downtown Ambassadors of a service request.
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