DIA Board
The DIA is governed by nine Board Members, with five appointed by the Jacksonville Mayor and four by the City Council President. All nine are confirmed by the Jacksonville City Council. DIA Board Members are subject to all applicable sunshine laws, public records laws and ethics laws, and serve on an unpaid, volunteer basis. The Board comprises leaders in their respective fields, including real estate and finance, and Downtown business owners.
Annually, the DIA Board Chair appoints fellow Board members to committee assignments with the Chair serving as a "roving" committee member.
Strategic Implementation Committee (SIC)
Micah, Heavener, Committee Chair
Scott Wohlers
John Hirabayashi
Sondra Fetner
Retail Enhancement & Property Disposition Committee (REPD)
Jill Caffey, Committee Chair
Sondra Fetner
Scott Wohlers
John Hirabayashi
Micah Heavener
Finance & Budget Committee
Scott Wohlers, Committee Chair
Micah Heavener
Jill Caffey
Governance Committee
Sondra Fetner, Committee Chair
John Hirabayashi
For questions about the DIA Board, meetings, public notices, or other documents, please contact Ava Hill at avah@coj.net or (904) 255-5302.